The Relationship between Faith and Hope

Lately I've been talking a lot about hope. I often say that surrendering to anxiety is a leap of faith. Let's talk more about how faith and hope are connected. 

Faith and hope are closely related concepts, often used interchangeably, yet they encompass distinct meanings and implications.

Faith is a deeply held belief or trust in something or someone, often without tangible evidence or proof. It is a conviction that goes beyond mere intellectual understanding, rooted in a sense of certainty and commitment. Faith can be religious in nature, involving belief in a higher power or divine entity, but it can also extend to trust in oneself, in others, or in abstract concepts such as justice or love. When you take the leap of faith to surrendering to anxiety, you are trusting in yourself. You are trusting in your body's capacity to regulate itself and your mind's capacity to let go of that which it cannot control. 

Hope, on the other hand, is an optimistic expectation or desire for a positive outcome in the future. It is a feeling of anticipation or possibility, fueled by the belief that things will improve or that goals will be achieved. Unlike faith, hope is often based on the idea of potential or opportunity, rather than certainty. It is the belief that circumstances can change for the better, even in the absence of concrete evidence.

While faith is more focused on trust and belief in the present moment, hope looks towards the future with anticipation and optimism.

Faith can provide a sense of stability and reassurance in the present, while hope motivates us to strive for better outcomes in the future. Additionally, faith often implies a deeper spiritual or philosophical commitment, whereas hope can be more broadly applied to various aspects of life. When you take a leap of faith towards relating effectively towards yourself, you are acting as though you have hope about how you'll feel in the future. 

In essence, faith is about trust and belief, while hope is about optimism and expectation. They both play important roles in shaping our attitudes and outlook on life, offering comfort, guidance, and motivation in different ways. My hope for you is that your faith in yourself and your ability to cope feels you with hope for your future. 


An introduction to worthiness


Being Strategic about Hope